By 97monstermaker
05/02/2009 - 16:30:27
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: deathrace, karl-el, molotovcoketail, nova, thunder road
-->If you enjoy this creation please rate it on spore.coml-- For a hi-res image go here http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/dickjensen/TheEliminatorComposite.jpg --- Heckle and Jeckle make up the two-man crew of the Eliminator. Heckle man's the 50 mm auto-gun mounted in the front turret while Jeckle tries to keep this 15 ton monstrosity on the road. Powerd by an AGT3500C multi-fuel jet turbine engine, the Eliminator cruises at a comfortable 155 mph and can reach max speeds in excess of 200 mph for short periods of time. The stress on the engine and the driver makes such sprints extremely dangerous. Jeckle also has control of two additional forward mounted .50 caliber machine guns, loaded with depleted uranium shells for that added punch. At 15 tons the Eliminator packs a heavy punch and one of Jeckle's favorite tactics is simply to ram smaller vehicles off the track.

By Karl-EL
Hmmm, where have I see that before? :)