Bilantium Reactor

By Vektrix
04/28/2009 - 06:49:24

Type: Factory building
Rating: 15 (Good)


Lantium is a metal found on the Ergon homeworld, when melted and then supercooled with yellow spice it has the properties of coal. Difference is, when Bilantium is then burned, all you get is super energy - if it goes wrong, the chances are the planet will become uninhabitable.


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By Nikiny

i hope my race would not touch that core or im toast....lol but nice reactor

By Soulfar

This looks good, nice description also :)

By iceman2

nice reactor

By akilahanahid


By RyanAndJay

Woah, neat.

By iceman2

cool and very creative

By Jat371

Oh, nice design. Especially the objects around the core.

By thiefers

R+, wonderful design! :)

By Digital-Guy58


By tjohn

Great piece of work. R+

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