Voxic adoption center
Not rated

By SlashXRA
04/10/2009 - 10:02:47

Type: House building
Rating: 0.75 (Not rated)


Welcome to the SlashXRA Voxic adoption center.If you'd like to take a Tiny/Little/Medium/Big/Old Voxic home,leave a note,we'll browse through and tell you when we found the Voxic you're looking for.


By Ziggy1104

oh, also can you mak mine part cat and can fly?

By Ziggy1104

Can you get me a tiny blue Voxic?

By Jemily62

Awesome, love the colors and all details ! You do really a great job on this series R+

By Betterest

Yo big sis!Give me a bunny Voxic on the double!R

By Xplodinyurface

Id like a small vampiric voxic if you have one available plz

By teecobug

i want a tiny baby voxic please! (if you have one thats black, id like that one!)


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