The Prancing Pony
Not rated

By ChupadooDad
03/06/2009 - 02:52:38

Type: House building
Rating: 0.33 (Not rated)
Tags: barliman butterbur, inn, lotr, prancing pony


"Even from the outside the inn looked a pleasant house to familiar eyes. It had a front on the road, and two wings running back on land partly cut out of the lower slopes of the hill, so that at the rear the second-floor windows were level with the ground. There was a wide arch leading to a courtyard between the two wings, and on the left under the arch there was a large doorway reached by a few broad steps. ... Above the arch there was a lamp, and beneath it swung a large signboard: a fat white pony reared up on its hind legs. Over the door was painted in white letters: THE PRANCING PONY by BARLIMAN BUTTERBUR." -- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring. This is the inn where Frodo, Samwise, Pippin, and Merry met Strider (Aragorn) and escaped the Ring Wraiths. [This picture on Spore.com is terrible. The building is much nicer when viewed in the editor. I tried several times to re-share this and get a better shot, but no luck.]


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By Tycoon

can you please send a comment to my tycoon inc super station it is in the sporepedia favorites section unless you already have then thanks anyway

By Creetchahs


By 19tonton94

This..is...AMAZING! I'm a huge fan of LOTR and this is the way I've always visioned myself the prancing pony... Exept for a couple of more buildings around it ofc ^^ Great Job!

By cantthinkofaname

R+ Great work on the building and colors. I like how you added trees and plants in as well. Please take a look at my creations and give comments or tips, and keep up the good work!

By Piriotessa

(for you) Are you cross with me hun? Hope I didn't say anything wrong when I PMed you ... I'd feel horrid! :(

By Piriotessa

Looks awesome in 3D hun. Ohhh! Congrats on the TnT Showcase, I'm so happy for you! I knew you'd make it on there, how could these lovely creations not! :)

By TobiMcCan

Wow. Wunderschönes Landhaus mit sehr, sehr zahlreichen, fanstastischen Details. Daumen hoch ;-)

By ev_ers2

This is lovely. Love the whole "rings" thing you're doing.

By Jemily62

Wow! Too awesome !!! R+

By Orion1004

Looks wonderful, I'll check it out in editor too! R+++

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