Not rated


By Kaidian
03/02/2009 - 03:19:58

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.65 (Not rated)
Tags: armor, bug, carnivore, crillpede, hunter, insect, kaidian, quadruped, savage, xeno


Crillpede are a gigantic variety of hunter insects that have mysteriously spread across a number of systems in the Nebulon Expanse. It is believed they originated on the planet Vindus Prime prior to its sun going supernova. One theory as to how they spread to so many systems is that the eggs of the Crillpede are encased in a dense carbon outer coating, not unlike that of diamonds. The eggs can lay dormant for hundreds of years and are able to withstand extreme heat and the vacuum of space. Thus, it?s highly possible the eggs of unhatched Crillpede were blown off Vindus Prime at the time of the supernova and carried to far off systems by solar winds. This is unfortunate as Crillpede are decimating to any planet?s ecosystem. They have a voracious appetite and though they are carnivores, they have been known to strip swaths of land of all vegetation when no other food sources are available. Their body?s exterior is comprised of a plated outer shell and a hard scaled skin which is further protected by poisonous barbs. They have a split tail appendage they use as a weapon that secretes a deadly venom. Crillpede are solitary creatures thankfully, and are neither male nor female - but rather, some combination of both. Therefore there is no need for Crillpede to interact with each other. The adult Crillpede typically lays thirty eggs once every fifty years. Their low numbers is what has prevented them from completely destroying numerous worlds, but they are still a menace to be kept in check on populated planets. [I don't mind if you copy my creations, but if you do, please be kind enough to credit me as the original creator in the description. Thanks.]


DNA points
61 Bones4 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +5
28 %
31.32 %
5 / 20
5 / 20
1 / 15
1 / 52 / 50 / 5
2 / 50 / 50 / 5
2 / 50 / 51 / 5
0 / 53 / 5

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By epicdestroyer1

i saw this as a FRENDLY epic in the creature stage... wierd?

By cormorana

I was seaching Coati and I found this :).

By Bobman12

you really go in depth about a creature you create.

By Zion33

nice. check out my lycrothian, its kinda like this

By Antoxix

Nice stuff! R !

By meowdude101

nice dude

By Blazeer

added u as a buddy

By jonserik

Very coool! (If you want to see something realy creapy look at my Necromus,I think it will be good in your sporecast Cool creatures)

By smashn

Thats one sweet looking spider! R++

By Loveskin

looks really great! i love this bug! :)

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