Very good!

By Gryphon57
01/29/2009 - 03:21:51

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 16.67 (Very good!)
Tags: gryphon57, mcvalentineschallenge2


mmmmmmm chocolate covered cheese!!!


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By LegoBoy1

the two mice look at you

By wolfbaby98

Hah!Nice job.

By QueenTitania

awwwww so cute

By seanorib

You are really good with mice!

By lumpyice

this is the most adorable valetines creation i have ever seen i love the two mice especially the one coming out the antique record player this is great sincerely lumpyice :):):)

By michaeljackson97

so sweet!

By AlienDH

O yay and R+ :) .

By AlienDH

Very sweet .Can you please check out my two new creation .trust me you might like them .That is stil pretty cool thoa XD .

By Musket456

Wat is it with youi and mice? I'm not complaining but I'm observing a trend here and was wondering what your thoughts on that were. I'm not complaining though... I mean, they are very cute when they aren't being ripped to shreds. Hint hint!

By JasmineMarie

Chocolate covered cheese sounds fine to me! I lovem both. Lovely work.

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