Ice Gossamer

By Al_B_Bach
01/19/2009 - 06:17:50

Type: Creature
Rating: 2.34 (Good)
Tags: al_b_bach, arachnid, arachnoid, bug, carnivore, insect, serevanth, spider, tarantula, template


Geneticists in the A.I.A. Hybrid Aranaea Weapons Division learned a trick when a colony ship invaded a T1 planet, they discovered Choa-len Ice-Mites. With a captured specimen in study, they discovered how to adapt Ice-Mite blood cells to the Gossamer Stinging breed. Now with advanced antifreeze blood they are able to move into colder climates and take advantage of less developed planets by establishing forward bases with minimum or no conflict to their own numbers. It also makes them easier to transport in space travel as sleep chambers no longer need be heated. These quick footed arachnids are very deadly if confronted. They have the ability to run on any frozen type of terrain with stippled foot pads and leap with the same sure footedness up to 25 meters. The forward legs have developed into ice picks as well and are formidable weapons that can spear a victim down to the ground before the final lethal bite. They have also mutated the fangs into a rock hard bone like sheath that is capable of piercing a 24mm plate plastiduranium and rip it to shreds, coupled with a formic acid that is 20 times as strong as a wasps. They retain the viral venom glands in the base of the rear legs which is carried to the multisegmented mouth parts to assist in biting power. In this case the bite is just as bad as the sting. A formabidal spider indeed, but it suffers greatly in warmer climates of 25C and above. It then tends to overheat and become lethargic, thus becoming an easy target to dispatch or over run. Care is always taken when a planet is reaching the T2 stage as the Ice Gossamers must be relocated to cooler areas. {Dedicated to my pal Serevanth, for all his kindness and support! :)} [Template by Serevanth, Creature design by Al B. Bach]


DNA points
68 Bones8 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +4
13 %
70.62 %
6 / 20
5 / 20
4 / 15
1 / 52 / 50 / 5
2 / 53 / 53 / 5
3 / 50 / 51 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By Enderhenne

What a description!!! Great spider.

By Krukalu

wow the coloring is perfect and the legs come together so realisticly!

By bcrane

Very cool creature design. Nice colors. :)

By Anxious

Oh...very nice coloring and design! I love what you did on his butt! That is too cool. And very creative story. You must have your own universe of creative thoughts somehow stuffed in your head!! I look forward to more! :)

By Erasmus69


By Goar101


By Jade106

Wonderful spider! Love the color! GJ! R

By edewitt1

Cool Spider!

By bigbug11

Cool spider and story,Ill just cancel my trips to the North and South poles for now Lol :)

By Himmelslaub

Excellent work!

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