Martian Walker

By Al_B_Bach
11/01/2008 - 22:19:10

Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 3.75 (Good)
Tags: walker.economic


H.G. Wells War of the Worlds


By Al_B_Bach

Yes they are tripods, and have a totally different look. I tried, but could get the legs right. I'm not good with the vehicle editor :/

By DrFrankNStain

wesomething, but weren't they tripods?

By Alchemist

Wells describes the walkers as tripods, or 'three footed. But that being said, this is an awesome model nonetheless.

By AlienScout

Dont't work hard over it - it is a game! )) Games are for fun. Good model.

By Al_B_Bach

Another walker attempt.

By Al_B_Bach

Please check out all my critters and rate them. Hope you like them, if so, add me to your buds list. I'm learning, so constructive critique is welcome. If you use them as a template, I don't mind, but PLEASE give me due credit. I work hard on these. TY!


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