Even More of Me! / Analysis

By ToaOfCreatures
07/24/2014 - 23:47:38

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Commander! That giant monster is still on the loose! This is our last stand!
Win message:
Cogatulations! You're Dead!
Lose message:
Turns out this is just a dream and you died in the dream but your brain was so completely invested in the dream that it thought the dream was real so when you died, it shut off. You're dead.
ACT 1 :   TOCZILLA's destroying Tokyo!
It's ToaOfCreatures -Micheal Bay Style!
ACT 2 :   After the Chaos
After the Chaos there is... Serenity. By the way, YOU'RE DEAD!
ACT 3 :   Through the gate?
Is this your mighty gift?
ACT 4 :   Where's my power?
This is ridiculous.
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