Yenatar Crysis / Analysis

By iamct2327
02/24/2012 - 04:07:30

Type: Template adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the rubble of Yenatar City,captain.This is a going-in-coming-out mission,so be cautious.
Win message:
Well done!Not only have you saved many lives,but you brought down an amount of Muranari.Your sporebucks is waiting.Good job.
Lose message:
With your death,the rest of the ARP on Yenatar have died.The Spode Protectors yet hold another world.Curse them!
ACT 1 :   Arrival
Welcome to Yenatar City,the capital of this world.You have beamed down to the unpleasant sight of SP (Spode Protectors) rienforcements.
ACT 2 :   Tunnel Work
Up the street is a tunnel leading to the human's base.Get over there and meet the commander.
ACT 3 :   The Tower
Go near the spawn and operate the tower.
ACT 4 :   RUN!
Sprint to the cave system,and fast!The Arkani are aiming at you!
ACT 5 :   Hold the Line
Hold down the line for 30 seconds,then move!
ACT 6 :   To the Bird
Go through the cave system to the underground hangar.Hurry up,cause the Muranari are coming,pushing through the defence!
ACT 7 :   To the Bird
Get inside fast so you can leave!
ACT 8 :   Aftermath
You and 1,000 civilians,along with military figures have escaped Yenatar and have lived to tell the tale.Recap with the Commander.
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