Evelution of Yxar'tic part 1 / Analysis

By siebe1
02/21/2012 - 17:43:13

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to my evelution adventure! this is part 1.You and some other life forms has crashed on a water filled planet, now its time to look at your new home...
Win message:
Hope you liked it!I will do more parts because this was fun to make!!! :D
ACT 1 :   A new life is born..
This is the valley of Sunlight, its ritch on food and you need food before you can go and see where everyone else is...
ACT 2 :   Time to find the queen...
Find an crack in some pipe stone, there you might find your kind.
ACT 3 :   The other cells...
Look for the different cells in the cave, im sure you find them all quickly.
ACT 4 :   return...
return to the queen to tell her about the other cells you seen.
ACT 5 :   time for a nice rest...
Swim to the crack in the ground and swim upwoards to the entrance of the pipe stone.
ACT 6 :   Thanks for playing...
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