In the Darkness of Erion Part I / Analysis

By Bestiary13
03/18/2011 - 16:49:05

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You awake in darkness. You know nothing of where you are, but the cold, natural stone floor suggests you are in a cavern. The sound of falling water echos from somewhere nearby.
Win message:
You survived long enough to make it to the Jadoth research center, but what were those creatures and how are you going to get out of here?
Lose message:
You failed to escape. As you begin to lose consciousness, you realize with horror that the creatures are already beginning to feed...
ACT 1 :   Into the dark...
Ugh...What happened?
ACT 2 :   Moving on...
No going back, you'll have to keep moving forward if you want a chance of getting out...
ACT 3 :   A glimmer of hope...
Killing the cave crawler's matriarch will keep them off you for now, but there are still other things which lurk in the dark. There must be a Jadoth colony nearby, you should seek help there.
ACT 4 :   Fighting for safety...
You've found the research facility. If there are any survivors, or answers they'll be in there.
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