Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Kencho! where all you will see is Bones and sand its hot day in and day out it is igzactly 230* here and you have 3:00 to find the last living creature.
Welcome to Kencho! where all you will see is Bones and sand its hot day in and day out it is igzactly 230* here and you have 3:00 to find the last living creature.
Win message:
Cogradulations! you did it and good thing because you can only stay on this planet for 3:00
Cogradulations! you did it and good thing because you can only stay on this planet for 3:00
Lose message:
you can haz a FAIL you burned up and melted you have know became a fossil on this planet
you can haz a FAIL you burned up and melted you have know became a fossil on this planet
ACT 1 :
Im only warning you it is very hot here! so move quickly and make wise turns! *Hint* SouthWest
Im only warning you it is very hot here! so move quickly and make wise turns! *Hint* SouthWest
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