Survivor - Water Edition Day 1 / Analysis

By cheesehead27
01/15/2011 - 22:01:13

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Good luck, mate. I don't see why you do this. But I guess someone has to do it.
Win message:
Good job! What will tomarrow's adventures bring?
Lose message:
You didn't survive. Ernie finds your body the next day, and shakes his head muttering, "'I told you so."'
ACT 1 :   Ah...
Good. There seems to be some fish. You really learn to apriciate good food when you get it so rarley. Except this time you have fruit instead of spears. You'll need to make some.
ACT 2 :   Drowning
Put the fruit in the water to make the elephant drown trying to get it.
ACT 3 :   Making a spear
Collect the Ivory from the elepahnt and find some wood to make the shaft of your spear.
ACT 4 :   ...
ACT 5 :   Uh oh
It seems that the water kills whatever comes in contact with it. There has to be some way that the elephant and parot were alive though. Mabey the trees? I should see if I can find some water.
ACT 6 :   Land sharks?!
What?! Those sharks just ran up off of the water. They must want your meat. Kill them!
ACT 7 :   Hmmm
The sharks and fish seem able to live in the water, but the elephant and that parot died withen contact of it. I wonder if I can go in. Better not risk it. I should find some wood.
ACT 8 :   Camp and a Mat
Go look at your camp.
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