Rise of the Mechlons - Day 1 / Analysis

By TheBuzzard
12/30/2010 - 12:50:56

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The cold- that's the first thing you notice as you beam down beside a tall admin building. You shiver as you examine the surroundings - the Hanajii must be tough to survive this weather.
Win message:
"'When the Mechlons arrived, they wasted no time getting started on their invasion. Entire cities wiped out in seconds - only small groups survived the first day"'-Unknown Historian
Lose message:
The squad needs every soldier it can get... and you just went and died. Guess we called in the wrong alien for the job.
ACT 1 :   Hanajar
The teleporter to the main town is near the cliff edge. Use it to find the other operatives.
ACT 2 :   Meeting
Dividar clearly isn't going to want to talk to you again. Talk to the field marshall yourself to assess the situation.
ACT 3 :   Azzi
This must be Azzi, the guy Dividar was shouting about.
ACT 4 :   Assault
Hanajar is under seige! Get out of the warzone quickly! Follow your team, and try to avoid the invaders!
ACT 5 :   Holdout
The doors to the bunker are jammed - you have to hold out until the crew inside can get them open!
ACT 6 :   Azzi - Dead?
That alien just attacked Azzi! Bring him down and check the Scasian's condition.
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