Joyous Yooltide / Analysis
By MisterTurtle
12/23/2010 - 19:04:37
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You have arrived on Tendrilica, in Anonymous City, for the annual Yooltide celebrations! But wait- what's with all these armed persons?
You have arrived on Tendrilica, in Anonymous City, for the annual Yooltide celebrations! But wait- what's with all these armed persons?
Win message:
Yooltide has been saved by your actions! Joyous Yooltide to all! Or "'Merry Christmas"' or "'Happy Hannukah"' or "'Merry/Happy Quanza"' if you prefer... Ah, well, happy holidays!
Yooltide has been saved by your actions! Joyous Yooltide to all! Or "'Merry Christmas"' or "'Happy Hannukah"' or "'Merry/Happy Quanza"' if you prefer... Ah, well, happy holidays!
Lose message:
The poison of the Tandrols has reached your brain and knocked you out cold! Will the Yooltide misgivings continue?!
The poison of the Tandrols has reached your brain and knocked you out cold! Will the Yooltide misgivings continue?!
ACT 1 :
At first you thought you were entering a joyous cerimony, but it looks like in truth you've found... a conflict. Great. Even on the holidays you're stuck doing things for people...
At first you thought you were entering a joyous cerimony, but it looks like in truth you've found... a conflict. Great. Even on the holidays you're stuck doing things for people...
ACT 2 :
Seems that the next course of action is to hear out both sides of the argument. Speak with Father Shaklashkta and the model citizen Shoknatashka.
Seems that the next course of action is to hear out both sides of the argument. Speak with Father Shaklashkta and the model citizen Shoknatashka.
ACT 3 :
Well, seems things are rather intense, as both the preist and the model citizen have completely blown a gasket. What could be done to inspire peace within them and the people they lead?
Well, seems things are rather intense, as both the preist and the model citizen have completely blown a gasket. What could be done to inspire peace within them and the people they lead?
ACT 4 :
Through bribery and a light show you have calmed these souls down, but are they going forgive and forget the actions of each other?
Through bribery and a light show you have calmed these souls down, but are they going forgive and forget the actions of each other?
ACT 5 :
So it seems that the possibility for bloodshed is still out there. Well, does the Ambassador know what to do?
So it seems that the possibility for bloodshed is still out there. Well, does the Ambassador know what to do?
ACT 6 :
A few fliks of a marker later, there are two specially marked gifts! Quickly, give them to the Father and Shoknatashka!
A few fliks of a marker later, there are two specially marked gifts! Quickly, give them to the Father and Shoknatashka!
ACT 7 :
See how do they feel about their gifts!
See how do they feel about their gifts!
ACT 8 :
Wonderful! See the Ambassador about your reward!
Wonderful! See the Ambassador about your reward!
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