The castle of ice / Analysis

By graben
09/01/2010 - 14:17:18

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: -0.23 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Now when you have been beamed down on this planet, see what you are suposed to do.
Win message:
You won! Werfer-168 is back to the other explorers and you managed to get trough the castle. Conratulations.
Lose message:
The Castle got you.
ACT 1 :   Beginning
Talk to Werfer 167 and 169 to see whats going on.
ACT 2 :   Time to get in
Go inside the castle.
ACT 3 :   Going through the castle
Find the way.
ACT 4 :   Nine doors
Go through the real doors or you will die.
ACT 5 :   Invicible walkway
Walk on the invicible walkway or else something bad will happend.
ACT 6 :   Repeating doors
Go through the right door or else you will walk for eternity.
ACT 7 :   Exterminate
This bug must be the keeper of this artifact! Kill it!
ACT 8 :   Find Werfer-168.
Find 168 and get out of here.
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