Spaceport / Analysis

By Jamesh567
12/15/2009 - 20:32:51

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've just spent the last 3.4 parsecs evading Grox gunships. You realise that you are out of fuel. You decide it's best if you stop off and refuel your ship.
Win message:
Well you helped a spaceport. But what is the most shocking is that you saw your friends crushed, stole their money to pay for your fuel and then danced! I'm shocked! You need to see someone!
Lose message:
Now your debt will not be payed and the Osilions will destroy your planet and it's colonys. Nice going.
ACT 1 :   Arrival at Osilion spaceport
To pay for your ship's fuel you should speak to Allek.
ACT 2 :   Handy man
If things like this keep up you'll be paying your debt back in no time!
ACT 3 :   Exploration
"'Acting up"' was an understate ment! The lift breaks down completely and you plummet to the planet's surface....
ACT 4 :   Salvation
Hooray! The Osilions have sent a ship to take you back to the spaceport! Step into the beam.
ACT 5 :   Next job
Give the electrition his spanner back be for talking to the foreman.
ACT 6 :   Clark and Stanley?
The next job is a bit odd, Clark and Stanley has just arrived. You just know something bad will happen.
ACT 7 :   Back away
Something does not feel right. Back away from Clark NOW!!!!
ACT 8 :   Knew something bad would happen.
Poor Clark and Stanley! Since as they won't be needing those sporebucks anymore......
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