Christmas on Pyros / Analysis

By Vulcadonempire
11/24/2009 - 21:22:27

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've been invited to attend the Christmas festivities on Pyros, the Vulcadonian empires homeworld. This is quite an honour! Notwithstanding the fact that on Pyros, it snows a lot!
Win message:
In the morning you woke to presents and joys, a fine Christmas feast and plenty of toys. Now its all over don't go home and feel blue! Maybe next year, we'll come to you!(Thanks for playing!)
Its Christmas Eve on Pyros and all is right, and here enters you taken aback by the sight. A beautiful wintery snow Christmas scene, go to the HQ , there you'll meet the team...
ACT 2 :   ???
Whats this? Locked out? You could try to shout! But look! Dont pout, maybe they've gone out. Search for an answer, a clue or a key. Maybe you should start, at the Bogacer tree...
ACT 3 :   
So, to the Serpent, I hope you look smart. Vulcadonian christmas comes deep from the heart.Why stand in the cold that the cold season ties, when you can get drunk from rum-filled mince pies.
ACT 4 :   
Talk to Ax at the back of the room, where at this late hour a party ensues. Your getting warm welcomes from everyone here, so why dont you relax, just dance grab a beer!
ACT 5 :   
Go to the city hall for a luxourious sleep, in the morning you'll wake to find presents a heap. From all your friends and your relatives too, maybe from people you never thought you knew!
ACT 6 :   
Here we are to be rested and fed, but hey, whos that? on top in a sled? Why could this really be or have you gone thick? Maybe its him! The Vulcadon Saint Nick!
ACT 7 :   
Oh well, oh well better be off to sleep, everyone else is too so dont make a peep. Nicks making a list and he's checking it twice, just to find out whos naughty or nice.
ACT 8 :   

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