Doom´s temple / Analysis

By graben
08/16/2009 - 16:27:11

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.86 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have now beamed down to the planet! Lets see what to do!
Win message:
You won and now the artefact is taken care of by... well you know...
Lose message:
You lost. But that is no shame! Try again!
ACT 1 :   What is going on anyways?

ACT 2 :   Get in...
Get in the temple and read on the stone.
ACT 3 :   Four doors...
Get in the right door or else you are food to the critters that live here...
ACT 4 :   Get the treasure!

ACT 5 :   Go back!!
Get back as fast as you can! Get the key and you might get back through the door to your left!
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