Planet of Poison / Analysis

By LazerIng64
08/13/2009 - 23:08:22

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
An experimental Grox chemical bomb has exploded on this classified planet. The skies are thick with neurotoxin. Complete your mission quickly, or risk losing yourself to the Grox...
Win message:
The planet may be lost, but some of its inhabitants are not. Report back to your ship for decontamination; you made it!
Lose message:
You have succumbed to the poison's effect, converting you into another faithful Grox servant...
ACT 1 :   The seas are green...
The Grox have already used this planet as a test subject. Defeat some of the local Reilins, who apparently have been corrupted by the toxin...
ACT 2 :   What have they done!?
This planet's sea life has been irreversibly altered by the Grox's bomb. Defend Omcica from their onslaught!
ACT 3 :   A survivor!
A C'Servoid Trooper has apparently endured the poison until now. Hear him out.
ACT 4 :   More Grox creations!
This C'Servoid Trooper is not in a fit state to shield himself from the horrible monsters. Protect him until he can get treatment!
ACT 5 :   Uh, oh...
The C'Servoid Trooper doesn't look too hot. Wait...he wants to tell you something...
ACT 6 :   The Traitor
An interstellar database search confirms our suspicions: Dr. Kangoony was the traitor who helped the Grox! Give him what he deserves!
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