Clark and Stanley Lose a Cake / Analysis

By LazerIng64
08/08/2009 - 00:11:48
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.35 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Listen up: if you don't like barfing, don't look down. Why in the world did Clark and Stanley pick this as a picnic spot...?
Listen up: if you don't like barfing, don't look down. Why in the world did Clark and Stanley pick this as a picnic spot...?
Win message:
In the destruction of the tower, the cake has gone missing again. Clark and Stanley are MIA, also. And what is up with that old guy?
In the destruction of the tower, the cake has gone missing again. Clark and Stanley are MIA, also. And what is up with that old guy?
Lose message:
Lava is kinda hot, you know. Just a tip? And watch out for Clark and Stanley.
Lava is kinda hot, you know. Just a tip? And watch out for Clark and Stanley.
ACT 1 : Wow, what a view!
Clark and Stanley have certainly picked an interesting spot for a picnic.
Clark and Stanley have certainly picked an interesting spot for a picnic.
ACT 2 : That sure is a long way down...
Oh, my; is that LAVA!? Better jump carefully! Gulp!
Oh, my; is that LAVA!? Better jump carefully! Gulp!
ACT 3 : What now?
Clark's got back his precious cake. Let him give you thanks and all that stuff.
Clark's got back his precious cake. Let him give you thanks and all that stuff.
ACT 4 : Oh, no. Look out below!
Those shooting stars are aiming for the tower..
Those shooting stars are aiming for the tower..
ACT 5 : Now what?
Go look for someone who may be able to point you to what to do next.
Go look for someone who may be able to point you to what to do next.
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