Return to Planet Omega! / Analysis

By JakeG
08/07/2009 - 13:27:47
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Planet Omega from Omega Quest is now burning up just like Fozzie was! Talk to Shapphire Omega and hear what happend and her plan.
Planet Omega from Omega Quest is now burning up just like Fozzie was! Talk to Shapphire Omega and hear what happend and her plan.
Win message:
You have slayed Xavin! Unfourtunaly its too late for Planet Omega but we know who caused this it was Kint! Subscribe to me and get ready to go Epic!
You have slayed Xavin! Unfourtunaly its too late for Planet Omega but we know who caused this it was Kint! Subscribe to me and get ready to go Epic!
Lose message:
You have died and let all the Omegas down are you gonna sit there dead? Go prove Omegas kick ass!
You have died and let all the Omegas down are you gonna sit there dead? Go prove Omegas kick ass!
ACT 1 : The Plan
Your back where it all started! Planet Omega! But its on fire! Talk to the remaining team to find out what happend!
Your back where it all started! Planet Omega! But its on fire! Talk to the remaining team to find out what happend!
ACT 2 : Meeting The Others
Meet the other new Omegas and decide which 3 you wanna take on your team.
Meet the other new Omegas and decide which 3 you wanna take on your team.
ACT 3 : Picking your team
You have met all most all of the Omegas. Meet the last one then go to the first teleporter!
You have met all most all of the Omegas. Meet the last one then go to the first teleporter!
ACT 4 : Save Lizzet!
Save Lizzet from the Xavin Lizzet childs who are keeping him trapped hostage.
Save Lizzet from the Xavin Lizzet childs who are keeping him trapped hostage.
ACT 5 : Save Froggle!
Froggle is being guarded by his babies as well! Whats going on here?
Froggle is being guarded by his babies as well! Whats going on here?
ACT 6 : Save Gooey Alien!
Gooey Alien is being guarded by hmm these guys seem familer.
Gooey Alien is being guarded by hmm these guys seem familer.
ACT 7 : Save Phillip!
One of every creature you have faced so far is in a near epic size?
One of every creature you have faced so far is in a near epic size?
ACT 8 : Xavin
Phillip has built a robot and he has an Epic Plan. Talk to them then defeat Xavin and save Planet Omega.
Phillip has built a robot and he has an Epic Plan. Talk to them then defeat Xavin and save Planet Omega.
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