Cooks assistant / Analysis

By battleben
07/26/2009 - 10:58:02

Type: Collect adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to lumbridge! you have just arrived from tutorial island! now its about time you explored!
Win message:
Congratulations! you completed the quest! Please rate and comment on this adventures! it took ages to make!
Lose message:
Oh dear you are dead!
ACT 1 :   Explore lumbridge.
Have a look around lumbridge.While your at it why not look for a quest?
ACT 2 :   An egg
You should go and get a egg! you might be able to find a egg at a farm!
ACT 3 :   Milk
Moo moo! thats what a cow says! speaking of which,you should go and find some and get some milk!
ACT 4 :   Flour
Ok, you need flour. and to get flour you need wheat.... SO DONT JUST STAND THERE GO AND GET SOME
ACT 5 :   Flour
Now we need a windmill.. lucky there is one right next to you! go and use it!
ACT 6 :   Reward
Time to get a reward! go and talk to the cook!
ACT 7 :   Quest complete!

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