Wrath Of The Gods / Analysis

By Hcky4Life
07/16/2009 - 23:44:10

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 1.88 (Not rated)

Basic info
ACT 1 :   The native.
Talk to Shreder
ACT 2 :   Cheiftan KuzKuz
talk to Chieftan KuzKuz, he knows more about the new "'gods"'.
ACT 3 :   Unlocking the past
Unlock the gate and head to the native Iteligator village. Grab the green key behind his hut and head back to shreder, the gate is back there.
ACT 4 :   Aggresion
your being attacked by the Iteligators! defend your self!
ACT 5 :   Strange Occurances
You noticed the fog and lighting as you defended your self. Shreder should now about this.
ACT 6 :   Wrath of the Lightning Goddess
Go to the lightning temple and seek out clues for why the gods have been angered. The Red key is located in the Iteligators Village somewhere.
ACT 7 :   A scrolls secret
This scroll shows that a teleporter near your location leads to a small isle. Check this out.
ACT 8 :   Kuliga'Chii
Kuliga'Chii must be put down! Kill her! After that take the teleporter to shreder
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