A epic tale of doom / Analysis

By battleben
07/14/2009 - 12:40:05

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
Congratz! you beat the grox and even beat the epic final boss!
Lose message:
Too bad.. you lost.. now how will the mayor know whats attacking the village? try again!
ACT 1 :   Find out whats happening
Go and see why you were sent here. the mayor should know
ACT 2 :   Help stop the attack!
Help defend the citizens while the soldiers take care of the enemys
ACT 3 :   Hiking
Go and talk to the mayor
ACT 4 :   Exporeing the cave
Time to explore the cave!
ACT 5 :   Kill the grox!
Destroy the grox! dont worry they are weak without ships
ACT 6 :   Destroy the epics!

ACT 7 :   Destroy the ultimate epic!
Now your in for it!
ACT 8 :   Time to talk to the mayor!
Talk to the mayor!
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