Crashed on a strange planet P2 / Analysis

By BeastMaster101
07/10/2009 - 16:04:44

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.11 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
YAWN....Ahhh for a strangers home its actualy quite a charming little place but ok down to business. I must get off this planet TODAY! Oh and you did not just beam out of you ship.
Win message:
You didnt just beam up into your ship it was just a dream again.
Lose message:
Come on this isnt that hard!? Is it?
ACT 1 :   
Grumble GrumbleYou sound hungry.Why not go catch some fish
ACT 2 :   
You are fishin.
ACT 3 :   
Yay you caught some fish! Take the fish back to the hut cook em up and eat em:)
ACT 4 :   
Collect fire wood.
ACT 5 :   
go start cookin the fish.
ACT 6 :   
The fish are cooking.
ACT 7 :   
You are eating.
ACT 8 :   
You get tired from eating so much andyou fall asleep........
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