Mark IVA Obspod
Not rated
By ErWenn
10/08/2008 - 02:46:00
Type: Religious air vehicle
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)
Tags: darwin iv, expedition, exploration, hovercone, scientific, wayne douglas barlowe
This Yma-designed hovercone is powered with the mighty Yzar turbo-fan engine and equipped with a wide array of detection and recording devices.
Based on a creation of Wayne Douglas Barlowe.
Contact us at
By CaptainSideburns
Dead on. Awesome work!
By ErWenn
In some ways the vehicle and building creators are much less limiting. You can paint things bit-by-bit, interlock some pieces however you want, and not worry about forced symmetry (at least in the building creator). Unfortunately, they don't walk and talk
By Seadrinker
again, really brilliant. I'll have yo add you, i'm a little building shy myself :)