Not rated

By Belle320
06/14/2013 - 05:30:43
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, orinal by belle320, zenea rocks!
Stupid complexity meter! We want to create! When ever we make something that looks so awesome, and took so long, IT DOSEN'T SHARE!!! D:l We want people to see ower stuff! *(Re color and upload to your page if you agree)*
Contact us at

By freesafety13
i think my sister hates it.
By Clumpy10
I will upload! :P
By theDMG177
What about deviantArt? There you could show pictures, you took ingame... So, that you are able, to show your too complex creations...
By puppy2896
i willz ^.^
By 42ndDevistation
BTW, thanks for comenting on the creature that Nyankitty00 has. x) Always nice to meet someone new. =D
By 42ndDevistation
As do I too.
By Belle320
yeah, i think they have this because people may add too many parts to keep up with and makes the computer crash. I STILL HATE THIS THOUGH!!!!!! D:l
By powerbybauer
I agree, they should at least expand it so that we can make things more complexed then what it should be.