Not rated
By ZeWqt
01/05/2013 - 22:18:23
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: asteroid, asteroid field, gaprop, meteorite, rock, space
Un champ d'astéroïdes que vous pouvez utiliser dans vos aventures...
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By puma7372
In your adventure I would disguise instantly-respawning mines as this, so that they do a little damage whenever you crash into them.
By Dinosauraptor900
Last day of playing spore today! :(
By Dinosauraptor900
I start school on the 9th, but it still means i have no time for anything for the next 2 months.
By Dinosauraptor900
What does lerk even mean? or was that a misspelling of jerk?
By Castor1527
C'est dommage il faudraitqu'il soit en mouvement:) la même chose sur l'éditeur soucoupe.
By Darkani
Cool, sinon tu me laisserais utiliser tes autres créas pour une adv?
By 157Andrew157
K, good luck!