Contact Pt VII
Not rated

By Kyorg
12/09/2012 - 23:45:39

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: ducebox, noname117, picwariv


Darsimia attacks out of nowhere, and has some quick dogfights with the York empire and Calidonia. Algonia is very important to allied industry and must be protected at all costs. Darsimia lost 1 Mika and 2 Ma-109E7s. 3 Yorkish supply ships were lost.



By Jonottie

Austarea will soon join arms with it's brother nation of Darsimia!

By Kyorg

@jmanf1: no, it ended a while ago.

By jmanf1

is there still war in rabonia?

By _Cepholapoid_

Technically Calidonian fighters are already relitively far away, so catching them would be very hard

By noname117

Why is EVERYONE else getting involved? I thought it was a straightforward Algonia/Darsimia battle


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