I'm Confused


By MrHoliday
11/18/2011 - 14:37:38

Type: House building
Rating: -87.86 (Bad)
Tags: mrholiday


I heard Farmer Brown tell his neighbor that he was giving me the axe for Thanksgiving. Do people give gifts for Thanksgiving? I thought all they did was eat. Guten Appetit!


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By Ritafeet

When you get back buddy, it'd be GREAT if you could enter my snowflake contest! :) :D

By yorokobu

You have some really funny and CUTE creations!! I LOVE holidays and your name is just AWESOME! :D ??????

By yorokobu

HAHA This is really funny!! :D No the little fellow on top is Flurp. He's my Happiness Mascot! :D ??????

By foreverpiping

Mr Holiday, your special Turkey day is almost here! Very cool and colorful and humorous reminder! R+

By DH106

Behold... the SC-1 Denaughtinator helicopter - Santa might like it...

By DH106

I got Your request but I am not yet really sure which side of Santa I will focus on. It might be anything from a heavy cargo plane to something small and stealthy... Give me some time. .)

By delzorgan

Funny and nice work, r+

By beladen

lol, now thats funny,r+

By Apollo9898

This gave me a laugh! XD R^

By mightymushroom


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