Spectrum Dancer
By Emmal_II
06/16/2011 - 11:14:06
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.94 (Good)
Tags: emmal_ii, fighter, lsf_emitter, phase_quantum_drive, spectrum_dancer, stygian_ship_works, temporal_flux_generator
Intergalactic Trans-Temporal Covert Infiltrator Special Explorer with Interstellar Overdrive and L.S.F.(Light Sound Frequency) Emitters. (See in editor for best FX.)
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By Davidcreator
Saw it in the editor just plain wow! R+
By 56unknown56
now this is an epic starcraft. the color choices really make this as cool as it is.
By scorpio64
Very cool work here! I like the colored rings and the front.
By Ivonne
This is so really really idea and creation. :-)?
By saibot75
wow nice work on it. but how did u do it???
By Cardinal Syn
By quest123
Excellent work! R+
By Mushroomking1
Outstanding style, it definitely screams Emmal_II. It's rare to see creats with a style this unique, and even rare to find ones that can make that many colours look good. R++
By hiverne
What was this thing doing above my house just now? And where are all my socks? And why do I have more clothes hangers than before? These dang Trans-Temporal Infiltrators! ®+
By Terroridactle
You Have been gone a long time! Nice to have you back!
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