Not rated

By ShadowRaptor101
06/02/2011 - 00:59:50

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: not racist, ploxl, prepubescenet, shadowraptor101, troll, weezee


lol don't you just love it when you do something by accidently, someone tries to use it against you, and YOU end up benefitting from it? Well that's exactly what has happened! You see, Mrweezee is actually a 13 year old kid who has social and mental problems. I'm not being mean here I'm being serious. Anyways, he decided to upload a video to youtube depicting an epic picture that my friend drew on DeviantArt because it looks like "Furry Porn". He somehow thought this would make me look stupid? All it did was boost my ratings on youtube XD Also, you have to remember that Weezee is only 12 and therefore, his balls have yet to drop, and he still veiws nudity as "icky" or something. So, now that you know the truth behind the fearless MrWeezee, we should leave him be. We'd all look like big jerks if we were making fun of someone who's mentally-ill! And with that being said, I solute to you Weezee! I solute to you and all of your trolly glory! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a life to get back to :)~~~~


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By kewtkitee

Im 10 And I Dont Think Of Nude As "Icky"

By Doomeater54

sorry for commenting a lot I just found you and you are asome anyway what is your youtube account

By LegalBomb

Insulting a child won't make you any better. The way he acted is un-acceptable as well, but you're the mor emature one, you should be telling him what he did wasn't right, not talk about your "boost in youtube ratings"

By WeezeesReturn

Here's a cool fact: Nobody is flaming me. This is a trial account, and until I can log into the real game, all comments sent are sucked into nothing. >:P

By PandaWolf6464

LOL WAT? At the beginning of your rant, you said Weezee was 13, then you said he was 12. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, FOR SPODE'S SAKE

By Andy912live

Sorry, that was a bit uncalled for, just usually people make fun of other groups of people and I'm usually in those groups...Again, not trying to use it as a crutch but I'm mentally unstable and I can assume things pretty quickly.

By Andy912live

I'm also bi, do you want to make fun of that too, tough guy?

By Andy912live

I'm very mentally ill, I actually find this pretty offensive. Everyone tries to use that as a generic insult which is implying that I'm whatever you mean to say (stupid, dumb, whatever)

By jaeden98

i could pick on him (if i wanted to) because im autistic right?

By WeezeesReturn

And your announcement here is equally bad as mine, yet I'm the one who gets the permaban? Jeez.

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