By Graxiplon08/25/2010 - 14:51:56
Type: SpaceshipRating: 0.01 (Not rated)Tags: gaprop
By shadowmaster2343 omg! space trash patrol! my ship in good condition! lol great job!
By John Canavi I DO see stuff like this flying around. All the time. And I see prop buildings lining the streets. Our glorious civilization of GA Props. Gotta love EA being lazy and not doing anything about that.
By Frantelle The flying trash bin! Run! Good Job
By skullboy460 It would be funny seeing that flying arund, anyway nice job!
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By shadowmaster2343
omg! space trash patrol! my ship in good condition! lol great job!
By John Canavi
I DO see stuff like this flying around. All the time. And I see prop buildings lining the streets. Our glorious civilization of GA Props. Gotta love EA being lazy and not doing anything about that.
By Frantelle
The flying trash bin! Run! Good Job
By skullboy460
It would be funny seeing that flying arund, anyway nice job!