My Lab
Not rated
By maceman99
07/13/2010 - 23:40:17
Type: Factory building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop
i remade my lab because my old one was boring.it's complete with observatory to monitor the island,high-tech equipment,1 bedroom,bathrooms,chambers to make creatures,and more.
Contact us at
By maceman99
okay,so i can start my island.thanks.so,off to making raptadactyls.
By MyLittleSquirt
You are a mod, counting everyone,(including me)there are exactly five of us, and I'm keeping the mods at five.
By maceman99
you know,that's actualy a good idea.now all i need to do is buy climbing gear.
By MyLittleSquirt
Nice! you Could Attach it into a Cliff!(Meaning Attach it to a Terraformed wall with the side that has nothing sticking out of it in the Cliff.)