By arastoph
04/28/2009 - 10:34:31
Type: Factory building
Rating: 1.45 (Not rated)
Tags: 400, arastoph, atom, breaker, complex, ga, gaprop, mammoth, milestone, turret
my most complex and powerful cannon yet! This creation marks a milestone of 400 creations uploaded by me and i must thank all who have commeneted on them and have given me the inspiration to make them!! The C-400 Atom Breaker creates pure charged radioactive energy by concerntrating uranium and an immense mass of heated chemicals at the tip of the cannon. Once this mass starts to become unstable a secondary gas is fired from the gun directly in front of it like a flame thrower. A chemical reaction then occurs causing the radioactive substance to ignite the secondary gas and create a chain explosin in the same direction as the gas was projected. Scientists claim this to be the ultimate wide spread destruction device.. its just a shame its so unstable.
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By crazylander57
By Gibb989
"Well, this thing handels like a planet buster, just dont be on the same ship it fires from" -Bryce "Stardust" Gibboney, Master Trader.
By oOKnightmareOo
Oh, I saw your featured thingy and looked you up, these are some of the best creations I ever saw, especially the cannons and ships, truely amazing, I'm gonna go rate them ALL up! XD
By Gibb989
IMA FIRIN' MAH LAZOR! *nukes the planet*
By soupbob
I comment again BOOOM!
By soupbob
Mind if I use this in an adventure?
By nanoish
By 13lood_Mite
If you break an atom, it creates an atom bomb, does it not?
By JediDragon
are we sure we want to be breaking atoms?
By shoony
cool :)
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