The Wedding at Fort Pallisgaid / Analysis

By Megashotpull
01/29/2010 - 21:24:41

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -0.35 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Todays the day! Velshka and Nele Fairsand are getting married! Hope you dont have to stop the wedding, for ANY reason...
Win message:
Congrats! you saved the wedding! and a pie for the Priest. (and no, its NOT for his face, its bad luck)
Lose message:
Damn Wedding crashers!
ACT 1 :   Here comes the Bride...And groom
Talk to Velshka and Nele Fairsand
ACT 2 :   The Wedding Gift.
wow, thats a biiiiiiiiig Bird. Too bad he isnt yellow.
ACT 3 :   Attack!
Great, you have to stop the wedding because of an attack somewhere on the planet. The wedding starts in 5 Minutes, better go defeat whatevers trying to stop the Wedding.
ACT 4 :   At least you got back for pie...
That was one strange Grox. Why would he sabotage a Wedding?
ACT 5 :   the Wedding
Speak to the priest. You will fall asleep 1/2 way thru his speech. As usual...
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