SporeBall Season 2 / Analysis

By ZillaVenom
08/05/2009 - 20:14:01

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: -0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the Sporeball Arena! Season 2 has many twists,turns,treasure,long falls, and maybe even doom.
Win message:
You are victorious! Immortality was there and you took it..it's YOURS!
Lose message:
You were defeated! Try again, if you dare.
ACT 1 :   On your mark! Get Set!....
Move the ball to the green gate 3 times to get the goal.
ACT 2 :   Sprugby
Move the ball to the green gate 3 times to get the goal.
ACT 3 :   Victory
You did it! Now get your reward!
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