Skaenan plant
No puntuado

Por Aegonian
29/01/2010 - 16:51:01

Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0.01 (No puntuado)
Tags: aegyl, flora club, gaprop, plant, sky


A floating plant found in the Sky continent of the Aegyl.


Por Lordagsgodis

I Love your plants. :o)

Por asmodeus97

@94Brandon14: If you want to flip a roof than put it on a connector and rotate the connector.

Por 94Brandon14

Hey I have a question. How did you get the roof pieces to turn upside down? I try and hit tab put the extra rings don't appear. Do you know whats wrong?

Por greenie3

Awesome job! The tree looks amaxing and the details the paints give out are good too!

Por ironman2179

Can i repaintaedit ur scenery to make it look volcanic-like for my adventure im gnna make?I will give credit.

Por Polyamide

Ik heb je gebuddied, vind dat altijd toch wel gezellig, wat Nederlandes in mn lijstje ^_^ en je maakt leuke dingen.

Por Veoline

I love it ! It looks somewhat earthlike, but very different too ! Great ! Is their an explanation to the fact that chunks of rock float ?(Magnetism, maybe !)


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