
By Graxiplon
02/13/2011 - 12:54:44

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.27 (Good)


A readily available, versatile, prebuilt configuration; the XM-9 is the primary choice of the upstart mercenary.


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By remo2805


By Artificial-Rofl

I'm with Jat on this... join the IAE, help us kick ass. As always, the faction is drawing the top talent of Spore, and if you joined, well... that would be awesome. We could really use the help, we only have 2 guys who really know how to build a mech.

By Jat371

The IAE is picking up steam again so I'd be absolutely honored if you'd consider joining. If you're interested, comment back or post on the GGS, found here: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/70901.page

By Hatred89

btw looks great!

By Hatred89

every time i see you've buildt a mech my face is all like *(^O^)*

By Artificial-Rofl

Whoah... good use of asmy. Glad to see there's some talent left on Spore.

By Sharkheart

this is proof that less is more.

By Ezrie

Terrific design.. awesome coloring and build. =)

By _Cepholapoid_

Okay! This is freakiing amazing! All I can do R++

By LoneStar45

Very good mech, I like the gun and the shaping alot R+

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