Greetreg the Bounty Hunter
Not rated
By StarUniter
10/25/2009 - 14:50:26
Type: Captain
Rating: 1.6 (Not rated)
Tags: staruniter
Little is none about greetreg other than his homeplanet was grotronor. The Galactic Council is willing to hand over 60 million sporebucks for his capture. *Look in editor for full view of him:)*
DNA points
DNA points
45 Bones | 2 Feet | 2 Hands |
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +0
Health: +0
0 %
0 %
12 %
12 %
Sociability 1 / 20 | Aggressiveness 2 / 20 | Abilities 0 / 15 |
1 / 5 | 2 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
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By comander6
the lighting strike move is awsome
By espiomadness3
i really like the head with the weapons. the shoes look cool too.
By littleferrocious
odd but very cool
By Spike4444
Awesome head!
By NedStormFish
hey, you now how to make your creations even AWSOMER? by using the asymetrical feature. Press and hold A while you're pulling out a part.
By 99Robby
ok im jealous. How do you make them soo good and how do you get so many comments
By Skulljr
he has a nice singing voice for a bounty hunter
By darreaver
looks great. would hate to face him.
By blackic_menace
Simply Amazing.
By Mensadark
awesome head, but at the tail: fail! too much. nice job. check out mine =)
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