AT- 17 Destiny
Not rated
By klaracbarack
08/31/2017 - 11:44:24
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: author's spaceship challange, contest, klaracbarack, spaceship, starship, transport
The "Destiny" was designed for long journeys. It's usually used for transport or to explore space. It has basic weapons and it's not too fast but it's pretty good againts space pirates.
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By republiccommando
I really love this organic looking design! Very space whale looking. R way up!
By SolarSailor
R+: It sortof looks like it was based off a sea-creature's anatomy, very cool. And the coloring is even cooler!
By shunkerbelle
Dad's loving this, and the scene is beautiful. Nice work! R++
By Syzling
Great space transport vessel! =) Shunkerbelle's dad is going to have one amazing fleet =) R+
By Hilight
Nicely done R+