T-35 Shuttle
Not rated

By klaracbarack
05/02/2017 - 11:09:47

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.35 (Not rated)
Tags: battleship, gaprop, klaracbarack, spaceship, starship


I'm sorry because I couldn't record how I made the other two ships. But I made a video about this ship.


By Miikka64

I loved your theory, and I must say it is very close to my adventure's plot. Very cool ship you have here, I have to start checking out your content way more.

By SolarSailor

This has a similar shape to that one X-men jet; so nostalgic! o.o Anyways, VERY well made, R+!

By midnight1999

Oh you did. Agh the gun on top is so awesome. Also the engines look pretty neat. R(plus)

By Qubi_Chau

nice! R+

By Hilight

Interesting ship r+

By 828Artist

Sleek design and nice coloring. R+


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