Deltaculuate Nature View
Not rated

By HappyBoyJr
06/26/2015 - 17:06:49

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: floating city, set:deltaculuate


To protect citizens from rain, A support structure is placed above the observation platform. Deltaculuate prefer being able to float above low ground.


By HappyBoyJr

Well, you see, I am having difficulty with making communities for sapients in GA. I might eventually, but I do not think it will be in the near future. I am kind of hoping people will try to make a GA about my stuff, so I can see their creativity.

By 42ndDevistation

*Their city. XD I have no idea why I said future.

By 42ndDevistation

Floating cites are always a welcoming experience on Spore. =) Are you going to make their future in the near future Happy?


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