Not rated

By B3ckiib00
07/23/2014 - 09:36:57

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: --template by b3ckiib00--, gaprop


Wisdom: I'm kinda busy today, with all my horse riding and everything, I'll be on a little bit later, or perhaps tomorrow...
See ya! :)


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By Clumpy10


By 019283

But if we could continue our roleplay that might be a reason to be on..? idk if we even can with the time difference and the school year on...

By 019283

ugh i missed you by a month :C I'm not really on spore anymore, there never seems to be a reason to.

By tikicellsrock

Heyy, I know you've been offline for about a year now, but if you do happen to see this, I just wanted to say that I really like your work! Especially your yoshis... Ha, you like yoshis as much as my brother. XD

By rexarkingdino

Message from Dragokon. "Rebecca. This is a message from Dragokon09. I know you have missed me before, and if you want to meet, see me at my DeviantART page. My DeviantART username is Shadow-Arcanist. I miss you, and I want to tell you I am still here."

By 019283

I see you've approved the comments, did you find you Spore disc?

By 019283

oops :C

By 019283

I see you

By rexarkingdino

Rage: Guess who's back~ *Chuckles* B3

By Shadowling1999

I am waiting for you to get here, so I can tell you a little something. I bet it would make you really happy.

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