Blòach CNA-6S

By _Cepholapoid_
06/19/2013 - 19:46:23

Type: Colonial air vehicle
Rating: 5.63 (Good)
Tags: blue, carrier, cepholapoid, corsair, fast, fighter, green, grumman, naval, navy, picwarvi


One of the fastest armed planes in the world, the 6S is rarely used in battle, but when they are they are deadly. They are most often used as interceptors


By Homer-dude2

Looks like a Combination of a P-51 and a Russian Fighter like the LaGG-3 :D I like it

By Skamm8002

nicely made again I can't get enough of your very clean style it makes me jealous

By krcmar

Very cool, I like the textures and cabin, the engine looks pretty good too R

By SamRupert

Nice camo. Good to see you doing something with spore again.

By DH106

Nice and sleek. I like the rather high mount of the cockpit. R+.

By noname117

Absolutely beautiful aircraft, the wings, cockpit and just everything blends in together

By Jonottie

Good to see you back again, I love the colors on this!

By DaHunter555

Bloody hell, you're back! Also great plane here :D


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