Not rated

By CaptianYoung
03/17/2013 - 20:08:12

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: great stickfigure empire, gsf, ibc, impericomm


One of the more recent Impericomm battlecruiser designs that have been deployed. Several hundred of them have been built a have been deployed almost exclusively in the Core. Coincidentally, the design shares the same name as a popular beverage.


By TheShipBuilder

You should build moar ships :P

By CaptianYoung

Has anybody noticed the fact that it shares the same name as a particularly delicous brand of root beer!?! T_T

By Eliphion

This is a great design, with a smart use of paint. How do you do it?? I mean, you used almost no "detail," but it looks detailed!

By ZeWqt

It reminds me the starship desing of theAliens saga! So it's awesome!

By ZeWqt

Thank you :3 Also, we can't just see every video on the net!

By Dinosauraptor900

Ah yesh! I'm quite the dino-freak on this game. :3

By Dinosauraptor900

This is an EPIC spaceship! :)

By Dinosauraptor900

Cause it's too simple yeah, I'd be kinda sad if someone criticized it.


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