Threats of Extinction
Not rated


By Ai-Dan2
01/20/2013 - 09:47:43

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.78 (Not rated)
Tags: annihilate, apocalypse, eradication, exterminate, extinction, grox, mutants, t0, thanks to pat1196 for the vilewrath creations, war, zombies


A new evil has risen and the most hated beings in the galaxy have summoned your help. Being a noble captain, who never turns down a cry for help, you willingly enter what you very well know could be a cleverly laid out trap by the Grox.



By Pat1196

Nice job :D

By Bonja

That was fun, great storyline. The scenery and atmosphere looked nice. Good build, creative story.

By Bonja

Playing this when I get back fro the shop, giving it a little 'bump'. Maybe even getting it on the MPN so more people will see it.

By Bonja

There's a little trick, place a limb on the spine and strech it out in front of it. That way the invisi limb wil show again. Making it easier to change the spine.

By Bonja

You're right, the template isn't perfect. Though it's better than the one I used before this.

By puma7372

About time you made something new!


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