Thanking you all!
Not rated

By Gage663
11/15/2012 - 01:33:01

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -0.07 (Not rated)
Tags: all, comments, friends, gage663, thanking, you


Im really thanking all you guys for the nice comments. Some are stupid. Dont know why my brother approved them. Well he gave me his account. Anyways thank you guys! If you guys have usefull tips bc im a begginer please tell me in the comments!


By Gage663

Typo woops I ment "Beginners" (I posted it before I checked da typos)

By darwinken

After that, experiment a practice to improve your own creations.

By darwinken

As for tips for beginners the best I can suggest is to find creations you like a take them apart to see how they were done.

By darwinken

Thanks for your nice comment but curious as to why you chose that old creation to comment on.


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